How to duplicate an old RFQ and create a new one in less than 30 sec
Do you have a new RFQ you would like to generate in the Proboxx portal?
Instead of creating a new one, you can easily duplicate a previous quote request using the new Proboxx feature "Duplicate Request".
This will enable you to duplicate an old RFQ and create a new one in just one click!
Here we show you how:
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Would you like to watch a full step by step guide on how to generate a new RFQ successfully.
Pls check below full detailed guide:
1. Navigate to
Main dashboard
2. Under your main dashboard, go into the "Quotations tab" on the left corner of your screen.

3. Choose a specific old request you would like to duplicate.
In this case study I chose an old request I had: No Q-000182

4. Click "Duplicate Request"

5. Click "Ok"

Tip! Now, you can change any field you like from your previous request and edit the data based on your new requirements & shipment details.**
6. Example 1-
If you want to change your MC (Master Carton) count:**

7. Example 2-
If you want to select different shipper from your shipper's list:**

8. Example 3-
if the delivery address has changed and you want to edit the destination address to a different FBA center:**

9. In this example I am now using YYZ9 FBA Centre. From the drop down menu I select "YYZ9 - Amazon Fulfillment Centre, YYZ9 - Amazon Fulfillment Centre, Steeles Avenue East, Scarborough, ON, Canada - YYZA"

10. Finalise the changes by selecting "Update Request" to update the request and to generate a new RFQ

A new quotation number has been generated
11. Click "Quotations" to see your new RFQ & quote number

12. You did great!
The Proboxx team will revert back ASAP with your new, cost effective quote.
Thank you for choosing Proboxx.**